We have been blessed of late with amazing weather here in Southwestern PA. Today it hit 75 degrees at a time when we normally would be shoveling snow and de-icing the cars. Instead, though, we have been enjoying crystal blue skies, giant fluffy clouds, and glorious sunsets.
I have been trying daily to enjoy the peacefulness of a beautiful day. All too often, I find it dark and realize that the entire day has been without sun or fresh air and it’s stifling to the soul. But tonight, I took advantage of a few minutes to enjoy my own little piece of heaven:
It’s might not look like much to many people, but I love how the sun is setting with such brilliance, shining the last of its intense rays on the houses we look upon. The light catching just the edges of our decorative pear trees, and too, in the shadows, our lovely weeping cherry just about to burst with her pink springiness.
Of course, never can I just sit. There are always papers to grade. Always.
But as I sat amidst nature’s quiet, I realized…nature’s not all that quiet…I had to get up to see what all the squawking and rustling was. (It was just a robin, but I seriously thought it was stuck somewhere and hurt!) And then every few minutes I would catch something flash by in the corner of my eye…
Can you see him there in the middle of the picture? Mr. Chipmunk, who worked tirelessly the entire time I was out there. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. When he headed to the wall, his cheeks were full of his evening finds. On the way to the shrubs, his cheeks were empty, ready for the bounty he would get. Often, he would stop and check me out, probably thinking, “Stupid human!” I’d move my feet and he’d dart to the safety of his wall. (Dear Mr. Chipmunk, please find a new home because in approximately two months, your home will be cemented in and Remodel Man will be laughing as he does it. He’s not a big fan of yours. He dislikes you almost as much as the deer who visit our yard, chew on our trees, rub their antlers on our too young shrubs, and leave us giant mounds of what looks like black jelly beans-but they’re not.)
Even in the midst of the noise of nature and the papers I have to grade, it was a lovely night, enjoying a few moments of peace and nature and my animal friends. And getting work done to boot!
It was almost as awesome as meeting Pioneer Woman, Marlboro Man, and three of their kids on Tuesday…but that story will have to wait for another day.
LOOK AT YOU downloading and posting photos!!! :D
And - you met THE Pioneer Woman & clan????? Can't wait for that story!
Posted by: Heidi | March 23, 2012 at 05:34 PM
Ah... its a nice warm friday night, I should be seeing that view, blurry, and with a wine glass in my hand. Sad times.
Posted by: corley | March 24, 2012 at 12:14 AM